麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



足関節捻挫のリハビリを深掘りする  ~discusssion in depth about “rehabilitations of ankle sprain” ~

東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です





安静と保護: 腫れや痛みがあるうちは、松葉杖や装具を使用して患部の安静を保ちましょう。

RICE処置: Rest (安静)、Ice (冷却)、Compression (圧迫)、Elevation (挙上) の頭文字をとったRICE処置は、急性期の基本的な治療法です。
消炎鎮痛剤: 痛みや腫れが強い場合は、内服や湿布などで炎症を抑えることも必要です。

• 可動域訓練:(拘縮予防)  医師や理学療法士と相談しながら、徐々に可動域訓練を開始します。痛みの範囲で、足首をゆっくりと動かしましょう。
• 筋力強化: 足首周辺の筋力が低下すると、再発のリスクが高くなります。理学療法士による筋力トレーニング(リハビリ)や、自宅でできる簡単なエクササイズを取り入れましょう。

• スポーツ復帰: 医師や理学療法士の判断のもと、徐々にスポーツ活動に復帰していきます。最初は軽い運動から始め、徐々に強度を上げていきましょう。
テーピング: スポーツ活動中は、テーピングをして患部を保護しましょう。
• 予防: ウォーミングアップやクールダウンを忘れず行い足首周りの柔軟性を維持することで、再発を予防することができます。


• 早期回復: リハビリテーションによって、患部の治癒を促進し、早期回復を促すことができます。
• 機能改善: 筋力や可動域を改善することで、患部の機能を回復させることができます。
• 再発予防: 筋力強化やバランス訓練などを通して、再発のリスクを低減することができます。




Hello everyone(^^)/
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
The days are getting hotter and the sports season has finally arrived. As a result, the number of patients with sprains has been increasing. Today, I would like to discuss in depth about “ankle sprain,” which is one of the most common sprains, including rehabilitation.
The most common type of ankle sprain is an injury to the anterior talofibular ligament caused by inward rotation of the ankle joint. The degree of injury varies, but in any case, without proper treatment, the risk of recurrence and chronicity is high.
Treatment is mainly focused on rehabilitation, which is expected to be effective for early recovery and functional improvement.

The following is a description of the treatment flow after injury

Acute phase (about 2 weeks after injury)
– Rest and protection: While there is swelling and pain, keep the affected area at rest by using crutches or braces. It is also important to reduce inflammation by cooling the affected area.
– RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) is the basic treatment for the acute phase.
– Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs: If pain and swelling are severe, oral medication and compresses may be necessary to reduce inflammation.
Recovery period (2 to 6 weeks after injury)
– Range of motion training: (to prevent contractures) In consultation with the physician and physical therapist, range of motion training is gradually initiated. Move the ankle slowly within the range of pain.
– Muscle strengthening: Loss of muscle strength around the ankle increases the risk of recurrence. Incorporate strength training (rehabilitation) with a physical therapist and simple exercises that can be done at home.
– Balance training: (rehabilitation) Training to restore a sense of balance, such as standing on one leg or exercising with a balance ball, is also provided.
Chronic Phase (6 weeks after injury)
– Return to sports: Patients gradually return to sports activities based on the judgment of doctors and physical therapists. Start with light exercise and gradually increase the intensity.
– Taping: Taping should be used to protect the affected area during sports activities.
– Prevention: Thorough warm-up and cool-down routines and maintaining flexibility around the ankle will help prevent recurrence.

Importance of Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is very important in the treatment of an ankle sprain caused by an anterior talofibular ligament injury. Proper rehabilitation can help with the following
– Faster recovery: Rehabilitation can accelerate healing of the affected area and promote a quicker recovery.
– Functional Improvement: By improving muscle strength and range of motion, the function of the affected area can be restored.
– Prevention of recurrence: Muscle strengthening and balance training can reduce the risk of recurrence.

An ankle sprain caused by an anterior talofibular ligament injury can lead to early recovery and restoration of function if the patient receives proper treatment.

Rehabilitation is an extremely important part of the healing process and should be actively pursued under the guidance of a physician or physical therapist.

Not all ankle sprains can be treated with rehabilitation alone. Depending on the level of competition and the degree of injury, surgery may be required.
In such cases, we will refer you to an appropriate hospital as soon as possible.

We are now in the season and climate for active sports.
In addition to sprains, please be careful of dehydration and heat stroke. At our hospital, we can explain the prevention of dehydration during rehabilitation.

We will continue to help you live “looking forward to tomorrow”! (^^)!