麹町駅すぐの整形外科 Oneクリニック



股関節痛の1つ”グロイン症候群”のリハビリを深掘りする ~~The rehabilitations of hip pain due to Groin syndrome~~

東京都千代田区 麹町駅と半蔵門駅の間 新宿通り沿いのビル2階にある整形外科クリニック

“One Clinic 麹町(ワンクリニック麹町)”院長の栗本です。




スポーツによるオーバーユース: ランニング、サッカー、野球などのスポーツで繰り返し同じ動作を行うことで、鼠蹊部の筋肉や腱に炎症が起こります。
股関節の形態異常: 股関節の構造的な問題によって、鼠蹊部に負担がかかりやすくなることがあります。
スポーツヘルニア: 鼠蹊部の筋肉や腱が断裂したり、弱くなったりすることで起こります。
恥骨結合炎: 恥骨結合に炎症が起こることで、鼠蹊部に痛みを感じます。

問診: 診察室では症状の経過、スポーツ歴、過去の怪我などについて質問させていただきます。
身体検査: 股関節周囲の圧痛や可動域制限などを調べます。
画像検査: レントゲンやMRIなどの画像検査で、骨や軟組織の状態を確認します。

安静: 痛みがある場合は、まずは運動を控えて安静にすることが大切です。
アイシング: 患部をアイシングすることで、炎症を抑えることができます。
薬物療法: 痛みがある場合は、消炎鎮痛剤や筋弛緩剤などの薬が処方されることがあります。
理学療法(リハビリテーション): 理学療法士による運動療法やストレッチによって、筋力や柔軟性を再獲得し、再発を予防することができます。

急性期: 痛みを軽減し、炎症を抑えることに重点を置きます。

亜急性期: 可動域を広げ、筋力をつけることに重点を置きます。

慢性期: スポーツへの復帰に向けて、筋力強化や運動能力向上に取り組みます。




Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Kurimoto, the director of “One Clinic Kojimachi,” an orthopedic clinic located on the second floor of a building along Shinjuku-dori between Kojimachi and Hanzomon Stations in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
The season has arrived when it feels good to wear short sleeves, but how is everyone doing?
I have started to see many people jogging along Shinjuku Street, and I feel that the season for sports has arrived.
Today, I would like to discuss a condition called “Groin Syndrome,” which is one of the most common sports-related hip pain, with a focus on rehabilitation.

What is Groin Syndrome?
Groin syndrome is a condition that causes pain and discomfort in the groin area that is commonly seen in athletes, sports enthusiasts, and club students in their late teens to 30s.

Causes vary, but the main ones are as follows
Overuse due to sports: Inflammation of the muscles and tendons in the groin area can occur due to repetition of the same action in sports such as running, soccer, and baseball.
Hip dysmorphosis: structural problems in the hip joint may cause increased stress on the inguinal region.
Sports herniation: This is caused by a torn or weakened muscle or tendon in the inguinal region.
Inflammation of the pubic symphysis can cause groin pain.

The diagnosis of Groin syndrome can be made by
Questionnaire: In the examination room, the patient will be asked about the history of symptoms, sports history, and previous injuries.
Physical Examination: The hip joint area will be examined for tenderness and limited range of motion.
Imaging studies: We will use imaging studies such as X-rays and MRI to check the condition of the bones and soft tissues.
Sports hernias can show tearing or weakness of muscles such as the iliopsoas and oblique abdominis muscles.
In tendonitis, we can see how tendons such as the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles are inflamed.
Muscle rupture shows tearing of muscles such as the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles

Treatment for Groin Syndrome depends on the cause, but generally includes the following
Rest: If pain is present, the first step is to avoid exercise and rest.
Icing: Icing the affected area can help reduce inflammation.
Medication: Medications such as anti-inflammatory pain relievers and muscle relaxants may be prescribed if pain is present.
Physical therapy (rehabilitation): Physical therapists can help you regain muscle strength and flexibility through exercise therapy and stretching to prevent recurrence.

Rehabilitation Program
Rehabilitation programs for Groin Syndrome are tailored to each patient’s unique symptoms and condition, but generally involve the following phases
Acute Phase: Focuses on reducing pain and inflammation.
Pain is controlled with the use of oral pain medications and ultrasound machines.

Subacute phase: The focus is on increasing range of motion and building muscle strength.
Strength training will focus on core training.
This is because most patients who develop Groin Pain Syndrome have inner muscle dysfunction in the trunk. Poor inner muscle movement can lead to worsening instability and poor coordination of the body, which can cause a flare-up of symptoms.

Chronic Phase: The patient works on strengthening muscles and improving athletic performance in order to return to sports.
One-leg movements are used to improve stability and prevent local overload.
In addition to core training, training to link the shoulder girdle and glenohumeral muscles with the inner muscles is also actively performed.

Return to sports and pain-free life
Returning to sports requires sufficient time and rehabilitation. Consult with your doctor and rehabilitation staff to increase the amount of exercise in stages.

Thank you for reading to the end:)
Sports are indispensable for gaining and maintaining good health, but if you experience any pain, please contact our clinic (^^)/.
If you have any other problems, no matter how trivial, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please feel free to contact us if you feel any problems with your body.
We will continue to make every effort to support your “health” and “anxiety-free life”.
Thank you for your continued support.